Thursday, September 8, 2011

I Support My Kids' School #MySchoolMyWay ? 5 Minutes For Mom

My oldest daughter started kindergarten in 2001. Having her in school for a few hours a day and only having two babies at home with me was a very welcome break. But the teacher in me was itching from the moment Kit started school to get back into the classroom.

I worked out an arrangement with my neighbor, whose oldest daughter was also starting kindergarten that year. She volunteered on Tuesdays while I watched all 4 of our toddlers, and I volunteered on Thursdays while she was home with the little ones. It was perfect.

Why I volunteer

I started volunteering for two reasons ? first, I wanted to observe how my daughter was doing in class. I was curious. And second, as a teacher taking a long break, I knew how important having some extra hands could be.

I didn?t know that I would grow to love it so much.

When my 5th child was the only one at home with me, I would bring him to school every Friday and he helped me volunteer in his big sister?s pre-K and then her kindergarten class. When it was his turn to start kindergarten, he felt at home. School was a positive place to be.

Throughout my kids? baby and toddler days, I kept up my regular volunteering at school, though not always as frequently as I did that first year. My day to help out in the classroom was my break from the routine of diapers and naps and wiping snotty noses. I cherished those hours.

I felt instantly at home in the classroom, and I looked forward to putting some of my early childhood education skills to practice. While I often spent my time running copies and taking down bulletin boards, I developed good relationships with the teachers and soon was able to lead small groups or help children one on one.

I found that the teachers gave me insights into my kids? strengths and struggles as I spent time in their class ? insight that I would have missed had I waited for the twice-a-year parent-teacher conferences.

But perhaps the greatest benefit of volunteering regularly in my children?s classes was the smile on my each of their faces when I walked into their room. Every time I was there to help the teacher, I could see the pride and the excitement on my child?s countenance. It makes them feel special.

I am a school volunteer advocate, and I am thrilled to participate in the VolunteerSpot #MySchoolMyWay campaign.

What is VolunteerSpot?

VolunteerSpot is a FREE time and sanity-saving online coordination tool. Easy online signup sheets save busy moms time and make it a snap for them to ask for help when organizing activities for their kids? schools, sports teams and for their faith groups and local nonprofits.

Back-to-school is here and due to recent state-wide budget cuts, teachers and schools need parents? help this year more than ever before.

VolunteerSpot brings the simplicity of an online party invitation to parent volunteering and makes it easy for anyone to ask for help. The site also provides unique tools, like free e-books, including the popular ?Room Parent Survival Guide,? and smart tips on everything from how to throw a successful school carnival or bake sale to Teacher Appreciation Week.

6 Great Reasons to Use VolunteerSpot?s Free Online Signup Sheets

  1. Easy to set up ? schedule jobs, shifts and things to bring like food and supplies
  2. More parents sign up to help ? online 24/7 and smartphones too!
  3. More parents show up to help ? thanks to auto-reminders
  4. Clipboard compatible ? make assignments for parents without email
  5. Flexible ? invite by email or a speedy link in a newsletter, website, or facebook
  6. Time saver ? VolunteerSpot does the busy-work, you do the meaningful work!


Volunteeer free online sign up sheets with volunteerspot

I SUPPORT MY SCHOOL.. MY WAY! And I?m joining VolunteerSpot?s sponsored Back To School campaign to help raise visibility for parent involvement in schools.

Save time {and sanity} and get more parents involved at school with!

VolunteerSpot?s FREE online signup sheets make it easy to organize parents and signup to help for just about anything: classroom helpers, snack schedules, carnivals, library volunteers, parent-teacher conferences and more?. No more ?Reply-All? email chains or clipboard sign up sheets! Please share with your room mom, teachers and parent leaders?

Plus there?s a huge Sweepstakes on VolunteerSpot?s Facebook page!
Win $500 worth of school supplies for YOUR School! Enter here


Written by 5 Minutes for Mom managing editor Lolli. You can find Lolli blogging at Better in Bulk and tweeting at @1momof5.


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