Friday, April 6, 2012

Video: Santorum under pressure to leave race

As Mitt Romney shifts to a general election campaign strategy, presidential candidate Rick Santorum is getting signs that it may be time to throw in the towel. The NBC?s Chuck Todd reports.

>>> now to presidential politics as mitt romney makes clear he's shifting to his general election strategy. the pressure on rick santorum to get out of the race is growing. chuck todd joins me. there's pressure, but is there any sign that santorum is feeling it and thinking about exiting the race?

>> any thought he would be doing soul searching during this time off for the holiday was more like a pep rally . he a private meeting with conservative leaders in washington who used it as a pep talk to tell him they were going to try to push newt gingrich out of the race. there's still this belief among those in the santorum camp that if gingrich gets out, lines his delegates behind santorum , and if somehow they can thanj the rules in texas and the way the delegates do it in the texas primary in may, that suddenly, they have a viable way forward . that said, when you look at what is going to happen in pennsylvania , and there are some polls that indicate this is not going to be easy for the pennsylvania native, that at some point, the message will be clear to rick santorum , you will lose if you lose pennsylvania , you lose any of the rehabilitation you made in your political career because then you could embarrass yourself a second time. if he gets that message at some point, savannah, then maybe he will bow out.

>> all right, chuck todd from the washington bureau, thank you.

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