From the Wires
All China Pilot Job Fair to be Held in Miami Feb 23-24; Las Vegas Feb 26
Jan. 3, 2012 03:32 PM
MIAMI, Jan. 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Pan Am International Flight Academy, the world's most experienced airline training company will join forces with WASINC, China's largest airline pilot leasing company to host the All-China Pilot Job Fair for hundreds of international pilot candidates at Pan Am's Miami and Las Vegas Training Centers.
The Miami Job Fair will be held February 23 and 24 at Pan Am's headquarters at the Miami International Airport.? The Las Vegas Job Fair will be held February 26.
Greg Darrow, Senior Director of Sales states: "This unique job fair is a once in a lifetime career opportunity for airline and corporate pilots featuring scheduled interviews and SIM evaluations for 10 major Chinese airlines."
Pilots will have the opportunity to pass evaluations, and meet and greet airlines hiring pilots. Qualifying pilots will also receive on the spot conditional offers for jobs for the following aircraft: The Boeing 777, Boeing 747-400,? Boeing 767, Boeing 737NG and EFIS, Airbus A340, Airbus A330, Airbus A320, Embraer EMB190, and Embraer EMB145.
Ten major China airlines as well corporate jet operators will be in attendance and conducting pilot interviews: Shenzhen Airlines,? Air China,? Hainan Airlines, Tianjin Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, Chengdu Airlines, Spring Airlines, Okair, Business Aviation Asia, and West Air. Air China alone has 252 aircraft and flies to 63 international cities, 3 regions and 90 domestic cities and is actively seeking pilots.
Mr. Darrow continues: "Pan Am is excited to bring this opportunity to pilots seeking jobs in China, an ever-growing, exploding region with tremendous pilot career opportunities. Rarely do such Chinese aviation power players gather in one place for pilot job interviews."
The job fair is to be preceded by a welcoming banquet in honor of representatives from Chinese airlines, CAAC, and US Government officials. These representatives will be on hand during the day long events. The job fair will also feature several current China pilots who will share their insights and answer any attendee questions.
Attendance is expected to be high at both locations and spacing is limited. Candidates are encouraged to register early for this free pilot career fair by visiting the Pan Am website: ? or by calling Pan Am direct at 877-394-2118.
Note:? Pan Am International Flight Academy is willing to provide additional information and interviews.?
SOURCE Pan Am International Flight Academy
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Virtualization Expo Looms Large on SYS-CON.TV |
Virtualization Articles & Feature Stories
By Pat Romanski Jan. 3, 2012 03:34 PM EST |
By Liz McMillan Jan. 3, 2012 02:00 PM EST |
By Elizabeth White Jan. 3, 2012 01:11 PM EST |
Latest Virtualization Conference News
By Jeremy Geelan Nov. 25, 2011 08:00 AM EST |
By Jeremy Geelan Nov. 25, 2011 06:45 AM EST |
By Jeremy Geelan Nov. 23, 2011 05:00 AM EST |
Conference News & Updates
By Liz McMillan
In this fast-moving high-level CEO Power Panel held at the 8th International Cloud Expo at the Javits Center in New York City, June 6-9, 2011, Cloud Expo Conference Chair, Jeremy Geelan is joined by Michael Crandell, CEO and a founder of RightScale; Treb Ryan, CEO of OpSource; Cory Isaacson, CEO/CTO of CodeFutures Corporation; Brad Hokamp, President of Layered Technologies; Lawrence Guillory, CEO of Racemi; Andy Burton, CEO of Rise; and Paulo Rosado, Founder & CEO of OutSystems. Some of the main topics discussed include the big issues facing companies in cloud computing, the critical tools and infrastructure required, and the shift in the way IT infrastructure is being deployed and consumed.
Reads: 4,204
By Jeremy Geelan
In this brand new SYS-CON.TV Power Panel, recorded in Times Square on the eve of Cloud Expo Silicon Valley, which was held in Santa Clara, CA, November 1 -4, 2010, Cloud Expo Conference Chair Jeremy Geelan discusses the State of the Nation with regard to Enterprise Cloud Computing with Unisys' Sam Gross & Jill T. Singer, CIO of the National Reconnaissance Office. Also on the panel is Internet security expert Patrick Hynds, Founder & President of DTS.
Reads: 6,535
By Pat Romanski
SYS-CON Events announced today that Abiquo, the leading Enterprise Cloud Management software provider, has been named ?Platinum Plus Sponsor? of SYS-CON's 9th International Cloud Expo, which will take place on November 7?10, 2011, at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. Abiquo is the Enterprise Cloud Management software company. With Abiquo, organizations can use Business Policy to manage an entire, globally deployed, computing infrastructure comprising unlimited physical and Cloud resources including private, public and hybrid Clouds through a ?single pane of glass?. As a result, Abiquo customers are able to significantly decrease the cost and complexity of managing their virtual IT environments, while maintaining control of the physical infrastructure and increasing agility to change hypervisors as needed.
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By Elizabeth White
Want to make sense of the hottest new concept in Enterprise IT? Want to understand in just hours what experts have spent many hundreds of days deciphering? Cloud computing is a technology that has rapidly evolving peppered with a lot of hype along the way. Customers find it hard to navigate through this and make sense of what aspects of this technology will give them real business benefit. Cloud Computing Bootcamp, led by our 2011 Bootcamp Instructor Larry Carvalho, is a great way to get a practical understanding of this technology. We offer multiple days of actionable insight into what vendor offerings are currently available and help you comprehend their strategy. The ever-popular Bootcamp, which is now held regularly around the world, is being held in conjunction with the 9th Cloud Expo, November 7-10, 2011, at the Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA.
Reads: 3,703
By Fuat Kircaali
I can't comprehend that any event producer anywhere in the world today would answer this question by picking any one of the five available options presented. "A leading tool?" What do you mean by "a leading tool?" What other tools would you possibly have in this day and age? This question, the survey itself and its participants belong to the last decade. I personally don't use email anymore; I communicate through "Twitter." We don't do press releases unless we have to; we tweet stories to our roughly 12,000 followers in 8 channels. The news gets amplified to hundreds of thousands instantly. Even during Cloud Expo, we reach more people by Twitter than the announcements we make through loudspeakers in the convention centers. I would love to contact the people who are conducting this survey and ask them if any company answered their first question as "don't really consider it." In an age where I personally hail a cab at an airport through Twitter, I can't possibly comprehend which century bubble those people might be living in.
Reads: 12,416
By Elizabeth White
Is there still a distinction between public, private and hybrid cloud? In this fast-moving high-level CTO Power Panel held at the 8th International Cloud Expo at the Javits Center in New York City, June 6-9, 2011, Cloud Expo Conference Chair Jeremy Geelan discusses this and other topics such as cloud security and innovation in the cloud with Rich Wolski, CTO and Co-founder of Eucalyptus Systems; Vineet Tyagi, Head of Impetus Labs at Impetus Technologies; Bill Zack, Architect Evangelist with Microsoft; Scott Chasin, CTO at McAfee Content & Cloud; Mark Hinkle, Vice President of Community at; Logan McLeod, Director of Cloud Strategy at Dell; and Zach Smith, COO at Voxel.
Reads: 4,330
By Jeremy Geelan
A selection of some of the many themes & topics to be discussed at Cloud Expo Silicon Valley (9th Cloud Expo) - being held November 7-10, 2011, at the Santa Clara Convention Center, CA. The markets may still be melting, but Cloud Expo is definitely coming of age! In his Cloud Expo session, The Basics of Automating a Cloud Storage Service, Abiquo's Azmir Mohamed will be discussiong how the complexity of combining server virtualization with storage virtualization, automation, self-service catalogs and other enabling technologies has become a huge barrier for the IT teams who have to deliver the cloud services. The good news, he will be telling Cloud Expo delegates, is that some cloud vendors have recognized this issue and have partnered to deliver integrated solutions offering the flexibility and cost benefits of cloud on top of familiar infrastructure products. At the 8th International Cloud Computing Expo in New York City in June 2011, Jill Tummler Singer - CIO of the National Reconnaissance Office - answered the question: "Is Enterprise Cloud Computing for real?" In a follow-on session at Cloud Expo Silicon Valley (9th Cloud Expo), called Riding the Enterprise Cloud Computing Wave of Change into the Future, she will be discussing key elements needed for a triumphant enterprise cloud computing migration and highlight strategies (including security advantages found in the cloud) to ensure that no one crashes and gets caught in the riptide of this rapidly emerging technology.
By Pat Romanski
There is one constant in data centers: Application groups always need more. Until recently, apps have been at the mercy of IT operations to feed their need. In his Keynote at the 9th International Cloud Expo, Pete Malcolm will discuss how with the advent of public cloud offerings, apps can bypass ops entirely and get the resources they need with just a few clicks and a credit card. What does this mean for the future of IT ops? Pete Malcolm is CEO of Abiquo, a leading vendor of Cloud infrastructure management solutions. Described by SYS-CON's Jeremy Geelan as "a beacon of light amid the murky fog surrounding Cloud Computing", Malcolm is the inventor of the term "Resource Cloud", a concept which provides complete separation between physical infrastructure providers and virtual enterprise consumers, with substantial benefits to both. Malcolm was previously founder and CTO of Orchestria, Benchmark Capital's first European Entrepreneur-in-Residence, and a Senior Vice President with CA, Inc.
Reads: 3,902
By Carmen Gonzalez announced "the World's 30 most influential Cloud bloggers," who collectively generated more than 24 million Ulitzer page views. Ulitzer's annual "most influential Cloud bloggers" list was announced at Cloud Expo, which drew more delegates than all other Cloud-related events put together worldwide. "The world's 50 most influential Cloud bloggers 2010" list will be announced at the Cloud Expo 2010 East, which will take place April 19-21, 2010, at the Jacob Javitz Convention Center, in New York City, with more than 5,000 expected to attend.
Reads: 28,920
By Kevin Hartig
Cloud computing is becoming one of the next industry buzz words. It joins the ranks of terms including: grid computing, utility computing, virtualization, clustering, etc. Cloud computing overlaps some of the concepts of distributed, grid and utility computing, however it does have its own meaning if contextually used correctly. The conceptual overlap is partly due to technology changes, usages and implementations over the years. Trends in usage of the terms from Google searches shows Cloud Computing is a relatively new term introduced in the past year. There has also been a decline in general interest of Grid, Utility and Distributed computing. Likely they will be around in usage for quit a while to come. But Cloud computing has become the new buzz word driven largely by marketing and service offerings from big corporate players like Google, IBM and Amazon.
Reads: 167,142
By Elizabeth White
SYS-CON Events announced today that Cloud Expo 2012 New York, the 10th International Cloud Computing Conference & Expo, will take place June 11-14, 2012, at the Javits Center in New York City. The International Cloud Computing Conference & Expo series is the world's leading Cloud-focused event and is held three times a year, in New York, Silicon Valley and in Europe. Over 400 corporate sponsors and 20,000 industry professionals have participated in Cloud Expo since its inception, more than all other Cloud-related events put together. "10th Cloud Expo is trending to be both the biggest ever and the best-attended event in the international Cloud Expo series to date, so it is only natural that we should be holding it in the biggest and best conference venue anywhere on the East Coast, the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center," stated Carmen Gonzalez, CEO of Cloud Expo. "If you are not at Cloud Expo New York, June 11-14, at the Javits Center, then you risk not getting the relevant parts of your IT infrastructure into the Cloud in time."
Reads: 7,115
By Jeremy Geelan
"New infrastructure and operations technologies such as cloud services and virtualization ... were selected by CIOs the most often and are the top-two technologies for 2011," said Mark McDonald, group vice president and head of research for Gartner Executive Programs, as the results were announced of the 2011 CIO Agenda survey by Gartner Executive Programs (EXP). The worldwide CIO survey was conducted by Gartner EXP from September to December 2010 and represents CIO budget plans reported at that time. According to the results, CIOs expect to adopt new cloud services much faster than originally expected. Currently, 3% of CIOs have the majority of IT running in the cloud or on SaaS technologies, but over the next four years CIOs expect this number to increase to 43%.
Reads: 13,370
By Roger Strukhoff
Cloud Expo, Cloud Expo East, Cloud Expo West, Cloud Expo Silicon Valley, Cloud Expo Europe, Cloud Expo Tokyo, Cloud Expo Prague, Cloud Expo Hong Kong, Cloud Expo Sao Paolo are trademarks and /or registered trademarks (USPTO serial number 85009040) of Cloud Expo, Inc.
Reads: 10,617
Virtualization Blogs Live
By Bob Gourley Jan. 3, 2012 07:30 AM EST |
By Robert Eve Jan. 3, 2012 06:30 AM EST |
By Nicos Vekiarides Jan. 3, 2012 05:30 AM EST |
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